
保时捷卡宴 帕那美拉 Boxster Cayman 911 991 MACAN 原厂遮阳档

  • 品牌:PORSCHE
  • 颜色分类:Boxster-2005-12Boxster2013+Cayman-2006-12Cayman-2013+Carrera-2005-12Carrera(991)12+PanameraCayenne-2005-10Cayenne-2011+MACAN

美国代购 保时捷 卡宴 帕那美拉 Boxster Cayman Carrera 原厂遮阳档 


 Boxster (2005-12)
 Boxster (2013-17)
 Cayman (2006-12)
 Cayman (2013-17)
 Carrera (1999-04)
 Carrera (2005-12)
 Carrera (2013-17)

Current Back-Order - Low stock of certain shades, expected arrival is the end of September.

Protect your Porsche from the sun!

Genuine Porsche Sun Shield. Custom fit for your car, and made with a Triple Laminate construction. Silver reflective surface on the front side, and soft felt surface on the back. Accordion style allows for easy use and storage, and comes with a handy storage bag.



